NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at City Arts Center, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email:
We kicked off the New Year with a great meeting. Our new President, William Rader has proclaimed that we need to start each meeting with magic. He proceeded to amaze us by producing from his jacket pocket a card merely thought of by a member of the audience.
Trophies were presented to the winners of the November parlor magic contest. Lee Woodside won third place; Amazing Magical Michael Stephanic won second; andJeff Gray claimed first place.
Aaron Nelson gave us a report on the dream job he has been working, performing close-up and strolling magic on cruise ships with Carnival Cruises. He has explored many ports in the Mediterranean and Caribbean and is looking forward to Alaska, Hawaii, and the South Seas.
Joe Coover taught a workshop on rubber band magic, highlighting effects where the bands seem to penetrate each other. In the spirit of sharing, Zach Heath, Bob Caldwell, and Aaron Brook offered their ideas for other effects, routines, and patter.
Our performance theme for the evening was to show off the magic received for Christmas. J. David Teeman performed a nice routine with a classy set of Chinese sticks. Joe Coover showed a new trick he received that uses copper/silver keys in place of coins. Lee Woodside shared a Bermuda Square puzzler from MAGIC magazine. William Rader showed us the old copy of MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN that he picked up. Bob Caldwell wowed us by penetrating a solid steel block with a coin in a trick he credited as “Industrial Revelation.” Michael King entertained us with his “trick brain,” eliciting a number of groans with his witty puns.
– Lee Woodside