Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the New Beginning Fellowship Church, 15601 S. Pennsylvania in OKC
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email: WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
Our theme for October was “Telling a Story with a Deck of Playing Cards.” President Cassidy Smith introduced Michael King as our featured performer for the evening. Michael told the entertaining story of Jack Spade, New Age Detective as he turned over cards that matched the story. He continuously shuffled and cut the deck as he did so. Michael then told the somewhat risque story of a King, his Queen, and his mistress with lots of double entendres. The moral of the story was that one can’t have his Kate and Edith too.
Our best trick of the evening was by Cassandra Crowe. We noticed that there were now two of her. None of us had known that she had a twin sister, Eileen.
David Teeman told the story of the Four Brothers. The brothers went out for a walk and, one at a time, they turned back to get a drink. (Like twisting the Aces.) As a kicker ending, the backs of the Bicycle cards all turned into Coca Cola products. David came up with this routine and markets it as “Refreshment Rainbow.”
Michael King invited Cassandra and Eileen to join him “on stage.” He showed a ribbon and several Chinese coins and caused the coins to penetrate the ribbon multiple times. He said this was the “Charming Chinese Challenge,” by Troy Hooser.
Lee Woodside told the story of a young cowboy on his first cattle drive. The young cowboy went into Dodge City and met four beautiful ladies, but when he woke up the next morning, he found that it had all been a dream and there were just dusty cowpokes around the campfire with him.
Cassidy Smith performed the “Sam the Bellhop” routine made famous by Bill Malone. He even had a bell like those at a hotel check-in counter.
Cassandra Crowe enlisted Cassidy Smith, Michael King, and David Teeman to play the part of the three witches in her production of Macbeth. She spread a deck of playing cards face down onto a piece of cardboard and as each witch read a prediction, Cassandra stabbed a card with a knife. Sure enough, she had stabbed the four kings.
The names of all the evening’s performers were placed into a hat and Justin Teeman drew one name. It turned out that his dad, David Teeman, won a Bicycle Mental Photography deck.
Lee Woodside