Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the Contemporary Arts Building, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email: WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
Lee Woodside started off the August meeting by recognizing a few of our members who have recently shown up in printed media. Lee showed a photo that appeared in that day’s paper of Michael King caught in the act of entertaining. He was juggling clubs while riding a unicycle. Lee then showed the July 2018 “Linking Ring” magazine and noted that Ring 46 member Mike Stelzer had contributed routines for his own “Parade” article. Finally, he showed the “YourLife” section of the July 23, 2018 OKLAHOMAN newspaper, which had a large photo and article about Rob Lake, whom we all know as our former Ring 46 Junior President Robert Calonkey. Congratulations to Rob for getting passed along to the live show on “America’s Got Talent,” where he will face some stiff competition from fellow magician Shin Lin along with many other talented contestants.
The theme of our August meeting was our annual magic flea market and appraisal auction. The way the appraisal auction works is that when the gavel falls, the seller may choose to either sell the item for the amount of the high bid or pay the high bidder a fifty-cent fee for “appraising” his item. Our auctioneer for the evening was Lee Woodside, who has been doing the auction for many years. We had lots of spirited bidding and a lot of good magic apparatus, books and DVDs changed hands.
Following the auction, our featured performer for the evening was Jay Relkin. Jay gave us the benefit of his many years in magic and sales and discussed ways of approaching people and giving them a magical and enjoyable experience. Jay also performed several tricks, including a coins-across that happened in the spectator’s hands.
Lee Woodside