Secretary Report – April 2020

Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring

Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the New Beginning Fellowship Church, 15601 S. Pennsylvania in OKC

LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email:

Our April Ring meeting was canceled so that our members could abide by the shelter in place order and be safe at home. That did not stop the magic. Members were invited to submit input to our President, Cassidy Smith. Cassidy then compiled the results and sent out a newsletter to all our members to enjoy.

Three members submitted links to magic performances they had uploaded to YouTube. Darryl Brooks performed a silk scarves routine set to music.

Alex Riera riffled through the deck and invited the viewer to mentally select one card. He then asked for the help of his assistant to find the selected card. Sure enough, his dog jumped up and grabbed the card that was being thought of!

Jonathon Taylor rolled silver dollars in his hand and changed them into balls of silver. He then changed them back into coins.

Lee Woodside described a card trick with which magicians could fool themselves in the safety of their homes. Justin Teeman presented us with a thought-provoking essay of his thoughts on changes to the performance of card magic brought about by the current pandemic.

Our annual Grimoire is normally given free to those who submitted material and offered on CD at a nominal price to the other members. These are not normal times. Instead, a PDF copy of the 2020 Grimoire, edited as always by our long-time scribe Malaki (AKA David Swanson), was emailed to each member. Those who contributed to this year’s Grimoire were Malaki, Rick Martin, Michael Stelzer, David Teeman, and Lee Woodside.

Lee Woodside

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