Secretary Report – August 2023

Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring

Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the New Beginning Fellowship Church, 15601 S. Pennsylvania in OKC

LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email:

Our theme for August was rope magic and President Cassidy Smith kicked off the meeting by cutting and restoring a length of rope. He then removed the ends of the rope and replaced them. Finally, he removed the middle of the rope and replaced it. Cassidy demonstrated a false knot, an archer’s knot, and a quick knot. He finished his routine with three large linking rings and a five-foot length of rope tied in a ring. He made some very interesting patterns by linking the rings and the rope.

Lee Woodside presented a mini-lecture on the venerable “Professor’s Nightmare.” He said that he has been opening his banquet shows with it for over thirty years. He explained that he bought the three pieces of one-quarter inch blue Dacron (polyester) rope from West Marine back in 1992. After handing out pre-cut ropes to everyone, Lee instructed his fellow magicians in the finer points of the Fred Kaps move and the false count. He also stressed the importance of making eye contact with every member of the audience during the routine.

David Teeman brought out three different-colored ropes: red, yellow and green. He tied each rope into a loop, but when he separated them, he had one giant loop with three different colors. He then showed us the linking ropes that he had gotten from Oscar Munoz many years ago. He ended by performing the rope through the neck.

Brian Tabor showed two crotchet needles. As he worked them together, he formed a small pocket handkerchief.

Kevin Brasier showed his Dean’s Box and asked his fellow magicians for ideas on adding other routines to the ones provided. Lee Woodside suggested adding some of the routines form Stewart James’ spirit cabinet routine, “Sefalaljia,” including the ball in the glass and the ring on string.

Jim Green invited Cally to join him. He had her hold a long loop made from a ceiling fan chain. Jim was able to cause a brass ring to hook onto the chain.

Michael King asked asked Brian Tabor to help him. He showed a napkin, a paper cup, a paper plate, and a plastic spoon. Micheal poured sugar into the napkin, and with a wave of the “spoon wand,” the sugar vanished. He then showed that it had traveled to the paper cup and he poured it in a stream onto the paper plate.

The names of the performers were placed into a hat and one name was drawn. Jim Green became the proud new owner of a two-CD set of “Bill Abbot Presents Classic Workers.”

Lee Woodside

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