NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at City Arts Center, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email:
Our December meeting was our traditional Holiday Party. The club provided meat and drinks and everyone brought a potluck dish to share. We had a great turnout.
We elected officers for the coming year. Our 2012 officers will be President – William Rader; Vice President – Cassidy Smith; Secretary – Lee Woodside; and Treasurer – Michael King.
William Rader moved that we increase our annual dues from $20.00 to $25.00 so that we can cover the cost of our room rental and other expenses. The motion passed unanimously.
We had six entries for our magic performance contest. Gregory Lee performed a gambling-themed routine that was a cross between “Triumph” and cutting to the Aces. The “Amazing Magical” Michael Stephanic performed a card prediction effect using a day planner book with a card written on each date. Steve Crawford showed us his routine about the planets he is working on for library shows. He used the “Peanut Butter and Jelly” trick, “Stratoshperes”, and the “Zombie” ball, which disappeared in a flash of fire. Lee Woodside had several participants each think of a card. He was able to read their minds and name all the cards. Jeff Gray performed his cups and balls, with the final load of a lemon. When the lemon was cut open, it contained the previously burned, borrowed $20 bill. Marty “Magic Dad” Ludlum performed a silk blendo effect with lots of comedy byplay and using a change bag that was “udderly” amazing. He also penetrated a solid block of steel with a bread knife.
The voting was very close, but first place went to Jeff Gray, second to Michael Stephanic, and third place to yours truly.
Lee Woodside