Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the Contemporary Arts Building, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email: WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
President Cassidy Smith hosted a workshop prior to our December meeting. He taught sponge ball magic, including “two in the hand, one in the pocket.”
We had a great turnout for our Holiday Party, including two IBM members who recently relocated to Oklahoma. We started out by socializing and enjoying pizza, snacks, and drinks.
Sponsors of the recent Gazzo lecture were pleased to learn that they were getting back more than half their sponsor fee. This means that they actually attended the lecture at less cost than those who did not sponsor. That’s the way the sponsor system should always work. Anyone who has questions about how our lecture sponsor program works is free to contact Lee Woodside via email.
For the last few years, December has been the time for our annual stage/parlor magic contest. This assures that we have plenty of magic for our holiday party. David Teeman began by having a lady from the audience stuff a silk scarf into a small cabinet. When the cabinet was opened, the scarf had disappeared. He then placed a roll of Lifesavers ® into a brass tube and had the lady hold onto it. When he placed a small scarf into a clear tube and covered it with another tube, the scarf changed to a roll of Lifesavers. When the lady opened the brass tube, the scarf was inside.
Jay Relkin caused a finger ring to penetrate a soda straw. He then caused four half dollars to travel one at a time from one hand to the other.
Derrick Beeson began with a routine using small linking rings. He then showed a prediction envelope and had three audience members each name a digit. When the envelope was opened, it contained a three-digit number matching the spectators’ free choices. Derrick ended by vanishing an audience member’s dollar bill. When he dumped the folded bill from a clear box that had been in sight the entire time, it proved to be the borrowed bill!
Gary Trosper played the “Splish Splash Magician’s Game” with two audience members. He poured water into one cup and left two cups empty. He mixed them up and had one of the participants choose which to pour on Gary’s head and which to pour on his own. Both were empty. When the final cup was poured onto the third participant’s head, it too proved to be empty.
Shaun Clark had four aces shuffled into a deck and then proceeded to deal them from the center of the deck. He finished with a “Triumph” routine that Kostia Kimlat had taught at his lecture and had fooled Penn & Teller with. Shaun did a great job with it.
When the votes were tabulated, Derrick Beeson claimed first place, Gary Trosper got second, and Shaun Clark was third. Each winner got to choose an item from the “Chest of Enchantment,” which contained magic books and DVDs.
Everyone was pleased to learn that our January meeting will be a free lecture for paid-up members. Better yet, the lecturer will be our very own Lance Pierce, who is known internationally for his cutting edge close-up magic.
To round out the evening, Michael Stephanic performed and explained a four ace production and Cassidy Smith performed a variation of the “Chicago Opener” that he jokingly referred to as the “Oklahoma Opener.” We’re all looking forward to a great 2016!
Lee Woodside