Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the Contemporary Arts Building, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email: WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
Prior to the January meeting, Lee Woodside held a workshop on the Sefalaljia ring on string routine. He also showed how to do the trick that Robert Redford performed with a string in the movie THE HORSE WHISPERER. Lee said that his dad showed him the trick 65 years ago.
We had a great turnout for our first meeting of the year. Dean Johnson led a discussion on sleights that every aspiring card worker should master. After performing Senator Crandall’s six-card repeat routine from Tarbell 6, Dean covered the buckle count, mechanic’s grip, double lift, criss-cross force, Hindu shuffle, palming, side steal, top change, Elmsley count, flustration count, and the Hammon count. When one member asked what could be done with an Elmsley count, Justin Teeman stepped in and performed Dai Vernon’s “Twisting the Aces.” Dean was also kind enough set up a couple of tables of magic props from his magic shop, Costume Funhouse, which is the only brick and mortar magic shop left in Oklahoma City and one of only four in the state.
Lee Woodside reported that Sharon LaNeil, wife of former member Joe Diggle, passed away just before the holidays. A sympathy card was passed around for the members to sign.
Our theme for the January meeting was to show off any magical items received from Santa. Derrick Beeson started by reviewed the “52 to 1” deck, which he said will allow the magician to perform miracles. He also gave high praise to the book COINS AND OTHER FABLES, by Luis Piedrahita. Derrick then had a card selected and shuffled into the deck. Amazingly, at his command the card sprang several feet into the air.
Lee Woodside showed off the corner rounder apparatus that he received for Christmas from a fellow magician. Justin Teeman the book THE SECRETS OF CONJURING AND MAGIC, by Robert Houdin. He said that the material in it is old enough to be new again.
Jordan Johnson showed a deck of cards with a different symbol written on the back of each card. He was able to predict the symbol that was on the back of a freely named card and the card that went with a freely named symbol.
Michael King showed two timers that he found which allow him to keep up with the elapsed time of his show for those situations when he has a specific amount of time to perform. He then showed us AA and AAA batteries that are available which can be charged from a standard USB socket.
Jay Relkin had a card selected. He then showed that the new socks he got for Christmas predicted the card that would be chosen, the Jack of Spades. Mike Stelzer showed the die box he received. He also showed a clever idea of producing money in place of the vanished die.
J. David Teeman showed a miniature stratosphere trick that packs small. He then performed a candy prediction with the help of a young audience member.
The names of those who performed were placed into a take-out box and one name was drawn. Lee Woodside was the happy winner of an Alex Elmsley DVD.
Lee Woodside