Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK The Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the Contemporary Arts Building, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary Email WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
We were pleased to host a lecture by Max Krause the week after our June meeting. Max has definitely brought his magic into the 21st century. In addition to magical apps he has developed for smart phones, he shared with us many of his improvements on old classics. These included the tossed-out deck, 6-card repeat, and bank night.
Pandemonium of Magic, our yearly public show and fund-raiser was held the Saturday before Father’s Day in the theater at the Contemporary Arts building on the Oklahoma State Fairground. Marty “The Magic Dad” Ludlum emceed the show and kept things moving along. This year’s performers included Cassidy Smith, Mike Stelzer, J. David Teeman, Jay Relkin, Lee “Captain Lee” Woodside, Derrick Beeson, Michael “One-Man-Circus” King, John Jolly, and Terry “T.Lo” Losawyer and his daughter, Rebecca. Prior to the show and during intermission, Justin Teeman, David Teeman and Terry Losawyer amazed audience members with their close-up magic. We all had a great time and actually cleared some money for the club.
Prior to our July meeting, President Cassidy Smith led a workshop. He taught a “karate clip” routine where he tossed up a paper clip and caught it on the end of his finger. Darryl Books tore up a piece of tissue paper and then restored it with a wave of his “magic marker” Lee Woodside told the story of two paper clips who fell in love and became linked
Our featured performer for July was Ezekiel Jump. Ezekiel is now stationed at Fort Sill, OK after recently serving a tour with the US Army in Japan. He amazed us with his very professional card magic. Among his routines were an “any card at any number” miracle and an ambitious card routine using a signed card. The “kicker” was that the card ended up in his shoe.
Our theme for June was paper magic. Lee Woodside taught a trick using the daily newspaper. He cut a circle out of the paper, but when he opened up the paper, it had turned into a square. Everyone received a newspaper and a set of templates for making up the trick.
David Teeman showed us a mesh bag that was similar to a “Bengal net.” He would take an egg (visibly) out of the bag, but when he tossed it to a member of the audience, it became invisible. When tossed back to him, it again became visible when it entered the bag. He also showed a trick where the president on a piece of US currency alternately frowned and smiled.
Cassidy Smith wowed us with some card magic and then showed a very nice two-cup cups and balls routine.
Following the meeting, much magic was shared. The hardier members then repaired to the local watering hole for continued sessioning.
Lee Woodside