Ring NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at the New Beginning Fellowship Church, 15601 S. Pennsylvania in OKC
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email: WoodsideLee@hotmail.com.
Darryl Brooks kicked off our September meeting with magic as our featured performer. He began with card manipulations and then visibly changed a playing card to a dollar bill. He then performed a Benson Bowl routine using three squeaky tomatoes in lieu of sponge balls. Next he performed the Professor’s Nightmare while teaching a lesson in Japanese, in which he is fluent. For his finale, he had Brian Tabor select a playing card and then lose it in the deck. He placed the deck of cards into a black bag from which he said that he would find the card by his sense of touch. After two unsuccessful attempts, he extracted a jumbo card from the bag, which matched the selection. As a kicker, a “Thank You” banner unfurled from behind the jumbo card.
Justin Teeman gave a very enthusiastic review of the recent 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Session in Denver, Colorado. The event is hosted by our previous Ring President William Rader.
Cassidy Smith gave high praise for the 2-DVD magic video set “Every Table is a Stage,” by Dan Fleshman. He said that it contains great routines from Dan’s professional repertoire.
Joe Coover gave an account of his recent attendance at the “Magic Live” convention in Las Vegas. He said that although the event is pricier than the average convention, it is a great chance to meet the big names in magic from all over the world and actually interact with them. He said that it consisted of about fifty percent lectures and fifty percent other activities. He said that it was a very well-run event.
Cassidy Smith led a very emotional memorial and broken wand ceremony for local professional magician Max Krause. Max was critically injured when he was struck by an Oklahoma City police cruiser while riding his bicycle. He died two days later.
Lee Woodside led off the member performances with his “now famous newspaper trick.” After much comedy byplay, a large round hole cut into the daily newspaper morphed into a square hole.
Jim Green cut a hole through an orange and threaded a ribbon through it. He was able to make the obedient fruit stop and start on his command as he held the ribbon vertically.
Michael King invited an audience member to hold onto a manila envelope. He then had the person select a card and return it to the deck. Michael took back the envelope and removed a framed photograph of a hand holding a playing card. He asked if the card matched the one chosen. Of course it did, because the photo showed only the back of the card. When Michael snatched the photo from the frame, it instantly turned into a regular playing card, which was shown front and back and verified as a match to the selected card.
Brian Tabor showed a roll of toilet paper. He rolled one square of the paper into a ball and proceeded to perform a chop cup-like routine, using the TP roll in place of a cup. He then rolled a dollar bill into a tube and placed a credit card under the tube. After pouring water into the tube, he removed the credit card. He unrolled the tube, showing that the water had vanished.
Mike Stelzer told of the wonderful possibilities with the Frixion pen, which can be purchased at most office supply stores. He said that the writing would vanish by the application of heat and reappear with cold.
Terry “T. Lo” LoSawyer performed his paper to money routine. He said that anywhere he goes in the world, he can cut pieces of newspaper to the size of the local currency and then magically change it into spendable cash.
Cassidy Smith performed a coin flurry routine with half dollars and a magic wand. Daniel Buster performed a routine where a selected card floated out of the deck.
The names of all the performers were placed into a bag and one name was drawn to receive the magical prize. Darryl Brooks went home with a brand new Mark Strivings mental effect.
Lee Woodside