NO. 46, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Seymour Davis Ring
Meets 7:00 pm, 1st Monday of the month at City Arts Center, Oklahoma State Fairground.
LEE WOODSIDE, Secretary. Email:
We were pleased to host a lecture by Dan Fleshman on September 30th. Dan performs good, solid magic. He makes it look so effortless that it appears to be real magic. This is no doubt because of his many years of experience in restaurant magic. Dan is currently performing at a restaurant in a Colorado ski resort.
Dan showed us his “Ninja” style linking rings, a ring on rope with Professor’s Nightmare, his “Jiggernaut” chop cup routine and many other great routines. He finished with a cups and balls routine using small baseballs and ending with final loads of regulation baseballs. We highly recommend that you book a lecture by Dan if he is coming through your area.
President William Rader moved to Denver the week before our October meeting, so Vice President Cassidy Smith took over. Our featured performer was Lee Woodside. As Lee was performing his “magic card” routine, showing different numbers of spots as he continued to turn over the card, John Pansze blurted out, “What’s Next.” Lee then invited Tracy Mowdy and his son, Morgan to try a game of “monte” using frogs. Tracy was unable to keep his eye on the frog, so his son won all the candy bars. Lee credited the late Bob McAllister with inspiring his “Tree Frog Monte” routine.
During our business meeting, Lee Woodside moved that we set the date for our next Pandemonium of Magic public show for June 20, 2015 and start promoting it. He then moved that we create a new “Patron” level membership for 2015. A Patron level member would receive five tickets to the show as part of his membership. This would help guarantee the success of the show and insure that we have a good-sized audience. Both motions passed unanimously.
Our theme for the October meeting was story telling and bizarre magick. Lee Woodside performed his “Dream Revelation” (a bizarre book test) and his “Satan’s Scrolls” (a mind reading demonstration). He then showed several books and magazines that are good sources of bizarre routines. He especially recommended Ed Solomon’s monthly column in the “Linking Ring.” Tracy Mowdy showed several books that he likes which contain bizarre magick.
J. David Teeman performed a routine he called “Voodoo Cured.” Drawings of several “injured” voodoo dolls were shown. When Joe Coover selected one, David showed that his predicted “cure” was a Band Aid over the appropriate spot.
Tracy Mowdy performed a routine that was supposed to foretell when the participant would die. However, the card whose position was to show the number of years left never showed up, thus indicating immortality.
Michael King told the story of Jack Spade, new age detective, using a deck of cards. Despite numerous shuffles during the routine, the cards dealt continued to match the story, which climaxed with the audience member’s selected card.
Lee Woodside asked Cassidy Smith to use a Ouija board to “receive” a letter of the alphabet and a numeral. Sure enough, the letter written by the deceased before his death showed that Cassidy is a “sensitive” who is able to receive messages from beyond the other side.
Lee Woodside